east point books

At East Point Church we pursue the vision of the publication of biblically solid, easy to read, easy to grasp, yet thoughtful and provocative, Christ-centered, gospel-oriented, God-honoring resources through East Point Books.

  • Eternal Life Together:
    Stories of Grace at East Point Church

    Eternal Life Together is a brief treatise by Pastor Philip Duncanson on the nature of a gospel community and how the gospel of Jesus Christ changes people and impacts the community of believers we call the church. This book is laced with personal stories written by East Point Church members that speak to the truth that when God saves us we are adopted into his family, a family both now and for eternity. We are together forever! To some it sounds crazy. But to those who have been changed by the gospel and understand its implications for how we relate to one another, it is sweet. Download a free pdf or purchase a bound copy here.

  • what is the gospel? Mini Book

    Life is filled with important questions. As important as these questions may be, they pale in comparison to the question, "What is the gospel?" The answer to that question not only has implications for this life, but more importantly for the life to come. In this brief but challenging book, Anthony Carter asks and answers the question and pleads with readers to embrace the Person on whom the answer centers.

    Download a free pdf or purchase a bound copy here.

  • Wolves Among the Sheep

    A brief examination by Pastor Tony of Matthew 7:15 where Jesus declared, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Download a free pdf or purchase a bound copy here.

  • The Holiness of God

    Here, Pastor Tony unpacks the impact of God’s holiness on His relationship with creation and reveals how God’s holiness is the basis for forgiveness and relationship with Him. Download a free pdf or purchase a bound copy here.

  • Fighting Sexual Temptation: 

    An Attack of the Heart

    Pastor Tony discusses Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:27-30 concerning lust and sexual sin. After identifying the source and nature of sexual sin, he teaches us not only how to battle that sin in ourselves, but also how to help our brothers and sisters in their fight with temptation. Download a free pdf or purchase a bound copy here.

  • Intimacy in marriage

    In this little book, Pastor Carter seeks to do two things. First, he wants to encourage couples to find their foremost satisfaction in the God who created marriage. Secondly, he wants to encourage couples with practical and pleasing ways to enjoy the benefits of intimacy in marriage that God has designed for us. Download a free pdf or purchase a bound copy here.

other books

Pastor Tony has been blessed to publish the following books:

  • Dying to speak: Meditations from the cross

    Written with EPC elder Lee Fowler, this book takes a brief, devotional look at each of our Savior’s final seven sayings on the cross. These words reveal who Jesus is: the Son of God, Messiah, Shepherd of our souls, Savior of the world. They also tell us who we are to be because of him: forgiven, saved, loved, reconciled, refreshed, complete, and satisfied. The work and words of Christ accomplish and announce the good news of salvation by grace, and our response is the joy of living and loving in light of that good news.


    The story of Jonah the prophet is familiar to us. It's full of unforgettable images, ironic twists and turns, and dramatic encounters between humanity, nature, and God. Most importantly, it is a microcosm of the human story. Your story. My story. The story of Jonah. In these pages, you will meet a prophet not so different from yourself. The prophet's rebellious spirit is astounding, but more astounding still is the surprising grace of God. The same God who relentlessly pursued Jonah and who relentlessly pursued the Ninevites is pursuing you. May this story cause you to rest in his unstoppable grace.

  • Blood Work: How the Blood of Christ Accomplishes Our Salvation

    In Blood Work: How the Blood of Christ Accomplishes Our Salvation, Anthony J. Carter traces this theme through the New Testament, showing how the biblical writers used the powerful metaphor of the blood of Jesus to help Christians grasp the treasures Jesus secured for them in His death on the cross. In doing so, he provides a fresh perspective on the atonement Jesus made. Publisher: Ligonier Ministries

  • Black & reformed SECOND EDITION

    Seeing God's Sovereignty in the African-American Christian Experience

    In this book, Anthony Carter draws both black and Reformed theology together, showing how Reformed theology’s biblical stance addresses African-American experiences such as the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade and oppression by so-called Christians. Carter also explores a few of the ways that an explicitly black theology can enhance our understanding of God and his Word, no matter our ethnicity. This second edition includes new material: a foreword by Thabiti Anyabwile, an interview with the author, and discussion questions for each chapter.

  • glory road: the journeys of 10 african-americans into reformed christianity

    Ten African-American leaders in the church tell their stories of how they embraced Reformed theology and what effect it has had on their lives and ministries.

  • Experiencing the Truth: Bringing the Reformation to the African-American Church

    Experiencing the Truth communicates the need of a vibrant, experiential, Reformed Christianity among African-Americans and all believers. How does a believer choose a church to attend? Sadly too many Christians search for churches that serve them and meet their perceived needs. Instead they should prefer places where God is exalted and biblical truth and Christian doctrine are proclaimed. Such churches are essential if Christians are to understand what God is doing and what he calls His people to be.