At East Point Church we desire to point to Christ those inside and outside of our cultural context both, locally and abroad. We are desiring to accomplish this through informing, educating, and equipping the congregation, supporting missionaries prayerfully, and financially, and sending those from our midst who are called to the field.


  • tim & niai byrd

    Campus Outreach Zambia

    Tim and Niai Byrd both became believers while at university. Tim went on to serve with Campus Outreach in Johannesburg in South Africa for thirteen years (marrying Niai five years into ministry) before he and his family moved to Lusaka, Zambia to launch a second CO Region in Africa. Tim holds degrees in both African-American and African Studies (AAAS) and English while Niai majored in English, minored in AAAS Lit from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Due to both their fathers being in the military, Tim and Niai grew up in both Europe and the States. They have four children, Thandiwe, Naledi, Timothy Tumelo, and Harper. The Byrds enjoy reading, writing, board games, creating movies, cooking and casual time with family and friends. Their vision is that through the lives of passionate university students, in the context of the local church, they hope Zambia would become a gospel-saturated launching pad for expanding Campus Outreach Regions and missionaries into the nations of Africa and beyond for the glory of God.  This ministry is life on life evangelism and discipleship focused.

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  • Mwamba & nyema johnson

    Vision 938, Campus Ministry Atlanta


    In our fast-paced lives, we often find ourselves dedicating a significant portion of our time to our jobs, typically around 40 hours a week. This stands in stark contrast to the limited hours we spend attending church services, which usually total about four hours a week. As Christians, we have a remarkable opportunity to serve as "Jesus' Ambassadors" in our daily lives, especially within the workplace. Doing good work, and building solid relationships through serving others is an outworking of our identity in Christ. Your work matters to God, just as much as the preacher or the local/foreign missionary, it's a part of His plan to redeem all things through his people in the world. 

    Our task is to galvanize, equip, and transition fellow Christians with the necessary tools to have a meaningful impact in all of life, including the weekly 40 hours they invest at work. We firmly believe that the workplace is a mission field waiting to be cultivated. Through offering coaching, consulting, and direction, we can activate the potential of the 99% of Christians already present there By reminding individuals of their divine calling, unique talents, and true purpose, we can facilitate the spread of God's love and multiply disciples. 

    Let’s collaborate in reshaping the narrative of missions and strive to make a positive difference in the world, leveraging the significant time we spend at work.

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  • brad & joy

    West Asia

    Brad and Joy work from a strategic location in West Asia to partner with and equip local and displaced believers from among least-reached and least-engaged people groups. They use Business for Transformation (B4T) as a tool for empowering bi-vocational indigenous leaders to provide for themselves and to plant churches in tandem, sustainably. Their aim is to see bi-vocational mentees in turn training up their own indigenously-led bi-vocational teams to multiply the same endeavors among their own people groupsminus the cultural and linguistic hurdles foreigners face.

    Please contact alexis@epointchurch.org for giving information

  • David & Anna Rau

    Navigators, Georgia Institute of Technology campus, Atlanta

    David and Anna are serving with The Navigators with a focus of sharing Christ and making disciples to and among International Student.  We desire for our International student friends “Know Christ, Make Him Known and Help others do the same.”  We served at Colorado College from 2011-2015 and then helped to Pioneer a International Student Ministry at Georgia Tech from 2015-2020, which is when we became members of our EPC family.  In 2020 we moved back to Colorado to help lead the International Student Ministry and as of fall of 2023 are serving as Co-Director of the International Student Ministry of the Navigators.  We currently have opportunity to lead, empower, protect and oversee our staff around the country who share Christ with Students on campuses around the country!

    We have two amazing kids, Cyra (8) and Lucy (6) who keep us on our toes and full of laughter!  Please keep our family, our 135 staff and the over 1 million International students who come to the US each year in your prayers!  If you ever want to reach out to learn more about what we do, and who we are please email me at David.rau@navigators.org.

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  • P Family

    South East Asia

    The work that we believe God has laid before us is church planting among the unreached. We want to sow the gospel, build up local leaders, and leave behind a healthy, self-sustaining local church, Lord willing multiple churches, that will stand the test of time. Everything we do, from day one, is pointed at this end. 

    The first long season that we spend in Southeast Asia will be primarily focused on language learning and business development, as well as religious and cultural understanding. We are committed to a high level of competency in these areas both for the clarity of our message and the length of our ministry.

    Please contact alexis@epointchurch.org for giving information

  • M & E

    Middle East

    We are primarily serving as pastoral leadership within an Arabic speaking local church, as well as investing in outreach programming to women and children in a broader refugee community. Our time is most often spent preparing for teaching and preaching, outreach and discipleship in home visit settings, serving our team for Arabic translation, managing administrative tasks for the church, and developing the discussion materials for our outreach program to Arabic speakers.

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