The EPC Youth Ministry exists to partner with middle and high school families as a discipling fellowship that points youth to Jesus as Lord and Savior. 

    Our goal is for youth to experience the gift of salvation, engage in the work of holiness, and embark on a life of faithful service to God and fellow believers while establishing life-changing relationships with non-believers.

    MEETING TIME: Sundays at 9:00 am | Horizon House

    Middle School (6th-8th) and High School (9th-12th) classes begin in the fall (August) and end the following summer (June). Classes are co-educational and start at 9 am in the Horizon House. Incoming 9th graders are welcomed each year in June while graduating high school seniors move on to young adult classes.

    For more information, contact Tony Simpson at

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    • Every other month, the Youth Ministry partners with other EPC ministries, parachurch ministries, or non-profit organizations to serve. The ministry may help seniors in the church, host a prayer booth, or assist at a local food bank.

    • Every other month, the Youth Ministry chooses a hangout spot or activity to enjoy together. The ministry may attend a concert, go hiking, bowling, etc.

    • Each summer, the Youth Ministry follows the churchwide summer schedule but maintains  monthly ministry fellowship events. No Sunday school during this time.

    • Each year, the Youth Ministry takes time to unplug from normal ministry activities to focus on prayer, word, and fellowship.


    "I am grateful for the youth ministry of EPC and its leaders. You all have provided my children with the opportunity to express themselves freely by supporting their coordinated independent outings with their peers. In addition, the leadership team has modeled creativity and boldness in your planning and facilitating holistically enriching activities for the youth. Furthermore, we’re thankful for EPC Youth Ministries' emphasis on gospel living and following Christ. This instills values and principles that will guide these young individuals throughout their lives. This ministry has truly made a positive impact on the lives of our children and the leaders and volunteers deserve special appreciation."